TV Spot Trailer
Whilst watching The Big Bang Theory on E4 around 3pm on Sunday a Hobbit trailer came on during the advert break.
TBBT targets aged 16-25 males, and science fiction and rom-com fans.
This above the line marketing, paid by Warner Bros, is made to target teenagers and fantasy/science-fiction lovers, which is one of the The Hobbit's main audiences.
A below the line article about Luke Evans' acting career in the Guardian Guide.
The article features him acting in other movies and then promotes him in his new movie: The Hobbit.
The guardian is aimed at upper-middle class 25+ male and females, maybe with families. This is another audience The Hobbit is trying to reach.

Another below the line article, about Sir Ian McKellen in the Radio Christmas Times.
The article is about Sir McKellen and his acting career.
Within the article is a picture, promoting his role of Gandalf in Lord of The Rings, and within the text is a promotion of the new Hobbit film.
The Radio Times is read by TV lovers and families. The Christmas Radio Times is especially popular because there is a lot of TV at Christmas, so people buy the guide.
Advert for Competition
In last week's issue of Time Out, there was an advert promoting Odeon's Holiday Competition to New Zealand, also advertising the Hobbit.
Time Out is a free magazine about what goes on around London. It's aimed at both genders, aged 18+ who like to go out.
This magazine has a very large audience, therefore the message will get out to a lot of people.