
Welcome to my A2 media coursework blog, my name is Alice Cahill (0130)
I'm working in A2 Production Group 1 with Gavin Fraser (0245), Mahalia John (0345) and Kayvon Nabijou (0610)
Within the sidebar of my blog you can access a live link to The Latymer Media Music Video Blog, the archive to all of my posts and the labels to the A2 Preliminary Task, A2 Research & Planning, A2 Construction and A2 Evaluation

Thank you for taking your time to look at my blog.


^Our Music Video
^Our Digipack Album Cover (Top to bottom, left to right: inside back, inside front, back cover, front cover)

Our Website

^Click Image to go to Our Website in a New Tab

Monday, 13 October 2014

Production Meetings: Week of 13 - 20 October

This week our main goal was to finish the story board and animatic however we also wanted to get started on the album too.

Agenda for the week

For the album cover, first we wanted to find some influences to gather fonts, styles and layouts that we thought were conventional to the indie genre and were interesting.
We came up with a list and then also made a short list of characteristics we want for our album cover.

Influential Album Cover Notes
We made a few sketches on paper, but then started experimenting straight onto Photoshop because it was much easier to convey the creativity of our ideas that way.

Some of Our Album Cover Sketches

We also had a hair and make-up tutorial from one of our past students who told us how to style our band on the days of the shoot and some useful techniques and tricks to make styling easier and more effective.

Make-up Tutorial Notes

We also finished our storyboard and shot list, which meant we could begin our animatic. By making a storyboard, we were able to put down all the ideas of shots we had down and have it all in front of us.

Our storyboard

Once we finished the storyboard we took pictures of each drawing and put them together into a video with the music, to help us visualise the music video.

Our storyboard key

We also colour coordinated the different types of shots with different colours and then made a key to differentiate between them. This helped us to see if we had too many or too little of one type of shot, so we could spread it out,

After the storyboard was done Mahalia and I started on the shot list so that we could begin on the shoot schedule. 

First page of two, of the shot list

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